So, the craft sale was pretty quiet and uneventful except I did meet the cutist artist (who was also pregnant with a due date 2 weeks prior to mine). She had these beautiful pendants made from recycled glass. I wish I had of brought my camera as no amount of wordsmithing could do them justice. Her name is Fani Song and although not ready yet, her website is She made my day by commissioning me to make her a mixed media sign for an upcoming show in Toronto. WOOOO!
Oh, HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!! Costume pics to follow shortly...
Limoges Craft Sale
Hi there, just wanted to give you a heads up that there is a FALL CRAFT SALE in Limoges, which is just outside of Ottawa, this Saturday. Just in case you are looking for something to do or start your Christmas shopping early. Admission is free but they are taking donations for the food bank. Profits will be donated to St. Viateur School to help with new playground equipment. I shall have a table there and the details are as follows:
Saturday, October 23, 2010
10am to 4pm
205 Limoges Road
Limoges, ON
Saturday, October 23, 2010
10am to 4pm
205 Limoges Road
Limoges, ON
New Cards

I know it has been some time, especially since I vowed to post more often, but I have a good excuse I promise...I am PREGNANT!!! So, now that the nausea and falling down fatigue has finally let up a bit I can finally get back to my creative self. Just in time too as the Christmas craft shows are about to get into full swing. I definately need to get cracking but here are a few cards I have been working on.